Story added: 6th February 2024
Green Football Weekend 2024
Last week The Nest saw participants from Duncan’s Club and Team Talk, as well as students our Football & Education programmes, undertake a ‘green initiative’ in collaboration with Green Football Weekend.
Green Football Weekend, which is nationally acknowledged throughout the top four tiers of english football, draws attention to the importance of being eco-friendly and to the ever-present issue of climate change, and the potentially devastating impact it can have on the environment.
The ‘green’ workshops began on the Monday, with the boys on the Football & Education programme signing up for Planet League as part of their learning. Planet League is eco-centred app, where participants can score ‘goals’ and rise up the league table by providing evidence of eco-friendly activity; like recycling a plastic water bottle or taking public transport to work or college.
Our students spent the afternoon in and around The Nest site, capturing footage for Planet League and creating their own TikToks with environment-centred messages and themes.
Later during the week, the same workshop was delivered to the Football & Education girls, who, together with the boys, have helped Norwich City rise from 12th to 6th in the Planet League standings.
It wasn’t just our students involved with the eco incentives, as participants in our Duncan’s Club and Team Talk programmes also acknowledged the weekend of environmental significance by repping green shirts and jackets to their respective sessions.