Three Peaks Challenge 2024 Recap | Norwich City Community Sports Foundation

Story added: 10th June 2024

Three Peaks Challenge 2024 Recap

At 7am on Friday 7th June, a team of 43 fundraisers stood at the bottom of Ben Nevis in Scotland, ready to embark on the ultimate mountaineering challenge.

Our hardy team were taking on the Three Peaks Challenge – a journey that would take them from the rugged Scottish highlands to the breathtaking hills and valleys of Snowdonia.

Having departed The Nest the previous morning, our team began the ascent of Scotland’s highest peak fresh-faced and determined, ready to tackle the ‘mountainous’ task ahead. The weather began grey and rainy, but this didn’t deter our teams, who reached their first summit shortly before midday. By this point, the rain had vanished…only to be replaced by a thick layer of snow!

Our walkers’ next checkpoint was located a mere 250 miles away, in the heart of the iconic Lake District. England’s tallest mountain; Scafell Pike, was wreathed in darkness by the time the teams arrived, not long before midnight on Friday evening. A windy torchlit climb commenced, with tired legs and tired minds beginning to take a toll.

With the sun rising on Saturday morning, it was time to leave Scafell Pike behind and head back to the coaches for one final journey to Snowdonia, in northern Wales.

It was glorious sunshine that greeted our climbers for their final trek – a much needed tonic after the wind, rain and snow during the previous ascents. With smiles still on faces, the ‘Three Peakers’ of 2024 claimed their final summit just before midday on Saturday afternoon, around 30 hours after their journey began up in Scotland.

There were hugs and high fives all round at the base of Mount Snowdon (or Yr Wyddfa in Welsh!) , as participants and volunteers alike celebrated the scale of their immense accomplishment. Our walkers were all presented with an event medal, before helping themselves to a celebratory drink and some food.

2024’s event was not only personally rewarding for our challengers, but also for everyone involved with the Community Sports Foundation back in Norfolk – this year’s event raised an outstanding total of £28,500.

Events Manager, Paul Hunter had nothing but praise for everyone involved:

“Thank you to all our wonderful walkers, who took part this year, this is the largest cohort we have taken on this trip.  They battled the elements, fought back the tears, and achieved their own personal battles on each mountain.

“The money that has been raised from this trip, will have such an impact on children and adults with disabilities across Norfolk in helping them achieve their goals.

“We could not have achieved any of this without the dedication given by our wonderful volunteers, who throughout the duration of the challenge were amazing, looking after the walkers and transporting them safely around.  We simply could not have done it without them.”

The Community Sports Foundation would also like to thank event sponsors Coastal Construction and Norfolk Hire for their continued support.

To view the full gallery, click here.



Interested in tackling our Three Peaks Challenge in 2025? Register your interest and contact our fundraising team at [email protected]

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